The Common Law

In 2024, the Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems re-launched The Common Law (Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. Common L.), a general-interest online-only publication that exclusively publishes student work. The Common Law aims to amplify student voices in discussion of current legal issues beyond the law school in a way that is both timely and comprehensive.

The Common Law publishes two issues a year—one in the fall and one in the spring. We will begin accepting submissions for the Fall 2024 issue on July 22, 2024 until August 16, 2024 at 11:59 pm. 

Comments in The Common Law are typically 20-30 pages, double-spaced. As a general interest publication, we welcome submissions on any and all areas of legal theory and practice. Please email submissions as a Word document to Amir Jones at 

Searching for Judges Who Hear: Analyzing the Effects of Colorado’s Abolition of Qualified Immunity on Civil Rights Litigation

By Colin Cowperthwaite “Section 1983 was born out of the failures of state courts.  Over a hundred years later, [Colorado’s Enhance Law Enforcement Integrity Act (ELEIA)] was born out of the failures of federal courts to protect individuals from civil rights violations committed by local law enforcement.  By removing qualified […]