2012–2013 Masthead
Issue 1
- Alexander E. Preller, Jury Duty Is a Poll Tax: The Case for Severing the Link between Voter Registration and Jury Service
- Sarah L. Rosenbluth, Fair Housing Act Challenges to the Use of Consumer Credit Information in Homeowners Insurance Underwriting: Is the McCarran-Ferguson Act a Bar?
- Matthew J. Schmitten, Antitrust’s Single-Entity Doctrine: A Formalistic Approach for a Formalistic Rule
Issue 2
- Matthew Bridge, Exit, Pursued by a “Bear”? New York City’s Handgun Laws in the Wake of Heller and McDonald
- Mark S. Gaioni, Federal Anticorruption Law in the State and Local Context: Defining the Scope of 18 U.S.C. § 666
- Leah R. Sauter, “Hispanic in Everything but Its Voting Patterns”: Redistricting in Texas and Competing Definitions of Minority Representation
Issue 3
- Michael Arnold, Peer Review Is Threatened, but (P)So What: Patient Safety Organization Utilization in Florida After Amendment 7 as a Troubling Sign for PSQIA
- Julie Braker, Navigating the Relationship between the DHS and the DOL: The Need for Federal Legislation to Protect Immigration Workers’ Rights
- Sarah Lyons, Why the Law Should Intervene to Disrupt Pay-Secrecy Norms: Analyzing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Through the Lens of Social Norms
- Genna Steinberg, Amending § 1415 of the IDEA: Extending Procedural Safeguards to Response-to-Intervention Students
Issue 4
- Jacob R. Fiddelman, Protecting the Liberty of Indigent Civil Contemnors in the Absence of a Right to Appointed Counsel
- Natasha Bronn, “Unlucky Enough to Be Innocent”: Burden-Shifting and the Fate of the Modern Drug Mule Under the 18 U.S.C § 3553(f) Statutory Safety Valve
- Fannie Chen, Structuring Public-Private Partnerships: Implications from the “Public-Private Investment Program for Legacy Securities”
- Elliot Harvey Schatmeier, Reforming Police Use-of-Force Practices: A Case Study of the Cincinnati Police Department